Hdad. the Sto. Burial of Sevilla: Rosario of the morning in protest of abortion, on March 7 (and other things)
At the time of writing this post, twenty fraternities in the province of Sevilla have joined the international March for Life this Sunday March 7, called in over 70 cities under the slogan Spain Yes
Life Membership of the Guild goes beyond a simple gesture. Older siblings are actively campaigning these days to defend the right to life and encouraged to attend Sunday's concentration.
The first to join the call were the Santo Entierro, El Silencio and La Cena. The Vera Cruz joined a week ago Tuesday has sixteen other corporations known to join the mobilization. Later La Esperanza de Triana has posted a statement on its website stating that "our guild decides to join fully the call, citing all his brothers and sisters to participate on Sunday in the demonstration. " Silence also has subsidiaries in the province to almost all who revere the title of Jesus of Nazareth, last year joined his protestation of faith an express statement of rejection of abortion, and as I read this bulletin brotherhood, requested by letter to all its subsidiaries, the Jesus Nazareno de Sanlúcar is-to be taken such a decision, without stating that I have felt Sanlúcar challenged or has acted in pursuit of its signaling pathway Madre y Maestra.
In Seville, the merger will take place next Sunday 12 noon in the Plaza Nueva, the doors of City Hall. Our province is one of the rally for the day next Sunday, with three concentrations convened: Ecija, Palomares del Río and Sevilla's own capital.
El Santo Entierro de Sevilla had taken a historic decision: to remove the Virgin of Rosario Villaviciosa of dawn just before the merger, at 8:30 in the morning to pray for the children killed in abortion, female victims of these practices, for the conversion of the perpetrators of these crimes and how rejection and denunciation of abortion laws and in defense of life from the first moment of conception. El Rosario will mentioned when the Church of San Gregorio (C / Alfonso XII, Sevilla), seat of the brotherhood and the Order of Mercy. After the end of the Rosary, at 10:30 pm Parent Community Mercy a Mass, which the collection will go to charity that the order of Mercy is in Haiti.
The Rosary for Life will also attend the Brotherhood of the Holy Burial of Two Sisters. The Entombment of Sanlucar la Mayor, nor is, nor was he expected. Sanlúcar guilds are keeping a deafening silence, in the Council's website-I just do not see check-reviewed support of the campaign or by the Council itself, or any Sanlúcar brotherhood. On the contrary, there is one that has called for the same day of the rally, and at the same time - what a gift of opportunity! - A "top event", which - considering the famous phrase of Him "by their deeds you will know them" - gives the author of this review right to doubt, and wonder what really holds this position brotherhood of top-and others-kept so silent on abortion. They are against abortion, of course. Too "of course."
And by the way, surely the love of many provincial socialist politicians to grab a rod of office or appear behind the canopies removed and diluted as sugar in coffee at least in terms of the Rosary of dawn this Sunday. There will not be none. Signed
. Organa
Source: http://www.hazteoir.org
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