Thursday, March 11, 2010

Welcesome Notes To Wedding Websit

good colleagues will bring a big surprise all irapuato colleagues, our great speaker of War graphics and great friend of dragonfly effect, comes in colors 75 degrees the workshop that is causing a great effect in Mexico and in national design, now presents with NAWERS Chopper its theme "Chronicles and satire traveler's where our colleague will be a great show of their work and they will be able to purchase course of their work, while firms give all colleagues q like to see this magnificent work, we wish you good luck fellow chopper and be sure to visit this site where we are always giving an article which interests you every day, do not forget it is all for a better culture of national and local design, any questions see the blog I leave color 75 link
PD. Chopper is very cool q me think your poster from a jjijii you greetings from your best friends irapuato Effect dragonfly (Giovanni and kikilo)

Choper 5-ink signature
sale this Saturday 27 24:00 onwards
surprise in the 75 degrees color workshop


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