Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Drinking Cold Water Belly

7M Manifesto: Spain Life Yes

Life Manifesto

March 7, 2010

Today there is scientific evidence that from the moment of fertilization a new human life appears. This has been ratified by the Manifesto of Madrid, presented in March 2009 and signed by more than 3000 English scientists.

Given this certainty we can say that abortion involves the violent death of a human being and a terrible tragedy for the woman who suffers.

The number of abortions in Spain boasts over a million, and yet still not offered any information or social assistance to pregnant women in difficult situations, while other funding is to go to an abortion.

Now the Government intends to pass a law that leaves them completely unprotected time the new being and leaves women with their problems, pushing abortion. On the other hand, sees the sick and disabled people as second class human beings, enabling them to be eliminated before birth.

Bill also states that the children can have an abortion without parental consent, leaving them alone and preventing parents help their own children about the situation of an unexpected pregnancy.

the new law also seeks to impose a particular type of sexual education in schools, thus breaching the right of parents to educate their children according to their own moral standards.

With abortion on demand, the number of child deaths would increase to nearly double and that of women who suffer the known physical and psychological damage that abortion causes them.

The response of English society to this announcement has been overwhelming: marches, mass rallies and demonstrations for the right to life, surveys clearly contrary to law and various manifestos signed by thousands of English nationals who require implementation of policies favorable to life and motherhood.

However, the Government is deaf to the social outcry, and intends to proceed with a law that Spain does not want.

Therefore, DEMAND

1.The Government listen to the English society and remove the abortion bill that intends to adopt. 2.What
our politicians enact laws that protect the right to live and the right to be a mother, protecting life at all times and helping pregnant women to overcome any problems that may generate an unplanned pregnancy. 3.What
respect the right of parents to educate their children in sex education according to their own convictions. 4.What
respect the right to conscientious objection for medical personnel to fulfill its commitment to defend and protect the life and health from the moment of conception.


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