11 M: We still want to know
back to being March 11, six years after the horrible attack that caused multiple fatalities 193, plus another 1,700 casualties mutilated and injured, in the implementation of well planned, executed and hidden coup, electoral roll by, it got its intended purpose: CHANGE THE CONSTITUTIONAL SYSTEM OF 1978 FOR THE CURRENT SYSTEM
nauseating "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et Luceat lux perpetua eis. "
Today, friends, can not be but a fateful day in which the moral degradation of Government, opposition and other political parties and media, with the exception of Liberty Digital, and esRadio the extent that they use other means such as "The World", Intereconomía, and maybe one other, name unknown.
In my table, next to the calendar at the foot of the Cross, as shown in the photo that accompanies these lines, wearing a modest black chess pawn. And will remain so over the next three days in mourning, and to show that many have not forgotten, and we want to know.
11 M: We want to know.
11 M: "Cui prodest?" (Who benefits?)
Signed. Organa
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