A book on gender ideology (and II)
" Dicebamus hesterna die "(we said yesterday, for those who know Latin) has published a critical and analytical essay on gender ideology, which yesterday gave in on this blog. I found that the editorial page is a link to read the first twenty pages, and put it here. The link is
Unless you are a chump in these internet things, if you give the mouse to this link you downloaded the first twenty pages in pdf and you can read them.
The worst effects of these ideas are causing deaths. I speak, of course, abortion, championed by supporters as a right and propagandists of this evil, cruel, inhuman totalitarian ideology. The PSOE is the main champion and pioneer of this ideology, as we said yesterday, Bibiana Aido its baleful Goebbels (Aido has coincided with Hitler on one thing: it deprives the fetus human condition, like Hitler did the same with the Jews, as mentioned earlier in this blog). But, with the PSOE panzer division, with the "blitzkrieg" of propaganda, opens the door to this ideology, the PP is going behind the infantry and preserves, maintains and strengthens the conquered territory.
Indeed, when I think about it, I do not know which of the two parties disgusts me more. Signed
. Organa
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