Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Does Chicken Pox Affect Babies And Toddlers?

Small Countries Travel - The Good Life

Following the sound Donosti , another representative of the style band Life is Good having a bulging discography. Here's his latest EP in advance of what will be a next album. Exquisite first track that gives the title track, Small Countries Travel .

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Build A Tech Deck On Line

Weekdays - Le Mans

From the English city of San Sebastian emerged a musical movement called the Sound Donosti brought together a group of good bands encouraged by a sound naive, pop and melancholic rescued essentials of daily life in his lyrics. One of the procursores of this movement was Le Mans and this perhaps one of his best albums (the second of its discography), entitled Entresemana .

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wired Motion Closet Light

The first disc of New Yorkers Vampire Weekend .

Vancouver Chains Renting

In Rainbows Vampire Weekend (+ Bonus Disc) - Radiohead

schemes in late 2007, Radiohead In Rainbows edit and then a bonus of 8 unreleased tracks. An album more accessible and closer to pop that characterized its beginnings, after the electronic experimentations of Kid A and Amnesiac.

Monopoly Junior Instructions

Blur (Namesake)

excellent self-titled album Blur , edited 1997 at the height of Brit-rock. A less pop album than previous ones and with interesting glimpses of what would be his next musical direction.

Possible pass: